Local “crafters” get creative to protect essential workers on the COVID front lines.
Crafters Against Covid-19 Seattle is a group founded by Candice Frank in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on Facebook, the group has coordinated the creation and distribution of over 25,000 face masks in the greater Seattle area. Frank, a Renton resident, started the group with a friend when they realized there was a need for masks for not only hospital staff, but for essential workers like grocery store employees and nursing home staff, as well as the homeless and others working with vulnerable populations. When asked how they decide where the donations should go Frank stated “we think about the people who make our entire community safer by being masked. We also look to see who is being helped by established programs and who may be slipping through the cracks.” The group currently has over 2,500 members on Facebook each doing their part to keep out community safe and healthy. When asked how the community can support the group Frank responded, “This is a marathon, not a race. We need help with sewing, volunteers to be neighborhood captains, donations of materials, and monetary donations so we can continue to purchase materials for masks.”
To get involved join the Crafters Avainst Covid-19 Seattle group on Facebook or make a donation to the Crafters Against Covid-19 GoFundMe page.
Organizations in need of masks should contact Crafters Against Covid 19-Seattle directly at CraftersAgainstCOVID19Seattle@gmail.com