Events Small or Large, Cozy or Formal, Your Ideal Venue Awaits in Renton

As a meeting planner, you’re likely charged with finding event locations that not only meet, but exceed expectations. The City of Renton offers a multitude of locations and venues perfect for any type of event, conference, meeting, seminar, or retreat. We also specialize in spaces for weddings, receptions, and parties of all kinds.

Planning an Event in a City Park or Facility


The City of Renton plays a strong role in helping event planners bring people together safely and successfully in small to large-scale events. Individuals planning to hold an event the the city may need to obtain a Special Event Permit.

Events that may qualify would include those planned in whole or in part those that impact public services, spaces or safety.

Permits are typically needed for events that:

  • Use public property, such as parks, streets, or sidewalks.
  • Involve large gatherings, amplified sound, or food and alcohol service.
  • Require city resources like traffic control, sanitation, or police support.
  • Impact traffic flow or require street closures.

If you are interested in hosting your next event in a City of Renton park, please us this booking link. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Filmmaking in Renton

Renton is a growing center for filmmaking in the region, hosting the Seattle Film Summit, the Renton Film Challenge (a 50-hour filmmaking competition), and BestFest, an annual presentation of Northwest film competition winners.


Small Gatherings

For small groups of 50 people or less, Renton has several spaces optimal for intimate gatherings. Locations include restaurants, neighborhood and community centers. Some spaces for small gatherings include

Mid-Size Assemblies

If your meeting or conference needs require space for more than 50 people, but less than 250, Renton has a wide variety of options. These spaces include educational institutions, hotels and unique spaces.

Large Events

Parties of 250+ have numerous sites from which to choose, including a handful that are exclusive to larger gatherings.

Let us help you plan your next event!